Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Guest Speaker

On Tuesday we had Olivia's mother come to the class to talk to the grade about what she does studying "Economics".
Ms Sarah showed the grade how it is important as a retailer to know their market and to find out the demand for that product.
The demand determines the price of a product. The higher the demand more the you can charge. The less the demand the lower the price

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Market day Product Making

This week the class has been busy producing the products for their market.

They have all been busy little beavers making their products.

It has been really nice turning on some music and listening the the children talk and create their products in preparation for ur market day next week.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Marketplace surveying

Today the class and grade surveyed each other to find out what the demand for their product was.

They got the opportunity to ask the classes what they thought of their products, what colour was the favourite for that product and even how much they would pay.

Afterwards they graphed their information and then will reflect on what they would change about their product before they actually start to make it.